Integralog Ltd participated at the International Forum FUTURALLIA held this year in Bucharest (Romania) from 10 June to 12 June 2015. This forum was organized …
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On 12 May 2015, Integralog Ltd was a guest at the 13th International Conference ZIRP (Science and Development of Traffic), which is traditionally held at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb since 2001. The topic of the conference was…
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Logaritam skladišna logistika d.o.o.
Radnička 218
Zagreb, Hrvatska
Sales: +385 99 2020 021
Finance: +385 99 2020 006
Mon-Fri: 8:00-16:00h
Logaritam skladišna logistika d.o.o. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hasana Merdžanovića bb
71320 Vogošća
Bosnia and Herzegovina
mob: +387 63 487 162
phone: +387 33 425 355
fax: +387 33 425 356
Mon-Fri: 8:00-16:00h
Integralog CZ s.r.o.
Headquatters : Radlicka 28, Praha 5, 15000
Phone: +420 739 2020 68
IČ: 094 98 869
Spisová značka C 337150 u Městského soudu v Praze, den zápisu 10. září 2020.